Monday, March 11, 2013

Stay Strong in Times of Trouble...

As much as we love smooth waters, an Arab proverb states that smooth water do not make skillful sailors. In this journey called life, the question is not, “Will storms arise?” Rather, the question is, “When will the next storm arise?” And even more important than that question is, “What type of person will I be when the next storm arises?” Advanced life skills are needed to navigate these sometimes treacherous waters.

Here are some ways to practice independence when adversity comes your way:-

- Take the time to acknowledge the pain of the adversity, but also take charge of it by distancing yourself from it. This is very different from denial, or repressing pain by pretending that it does not exist. Resilient people allow themselves to experience pain, but they share it with trusted friends, and they also do other things to distance themselves from the pain.

-Set boundaries. Only allow yourself certain times to think about or reflect on the adversity. If you are prone to worry, schedule 15 minutes of worry time. Then, when painful feelings or worry come up, tell yourself, “ I've got my worry time scheduled–I’ll think about it then.”

Problem solving questions:-
- What is great about this problem?
- What is not perfect yet?
- What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
- What am I willing no longer to do in order to make it the way I want it?
- How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?


Creativity is using the imagination in a way that, once again, helps you mobilize your resources and navigate tough situations in life. Creativity and humor are related resilience  One of the most helpful tools to tapping creativity during hard times is a workbook called The Artist’s Way Workbook, by Julia Cameron. It encourages the practice of freehand journalism every morning in order to tap into your inner resources. Other helpful forms of creativity may include drawing, listening to music, painting, walking in nature, and meditation. I have found that I am most creative internally when I am running out in open nature, all alone.


Humor is an offshoot of creativity. Learn not to take yourself or life too seriously! Learn to cultivate your sense of humor, because when you do, it will help you play in the midst of difficulty, shape your reality by offsetting pain, and help you laugh in the face of the absurdity of your pains and troubles. By no means do I mean that you should minimize or pretend that your troubles don’t exist. However, being able to find humor in every situation will help you cope more effectively. Learn to enjoy funny books or movies. Laugh often.

Morality and Values

This means that you have identified your core personal values, and that you are living and acting on the basis of an informed conscience. It means that you have developed a philosophy of living and a moral framework and principles for behaving and decision making. Ultimately, these values and principles will serve as roots that will give you nourishment when the storms of adversity pound against you. In the most responsible and developed stage of morality and values, we have an obligation to use our gifts and talents to serve others, even in the midst of suffering and pain. I cite some examples here: Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr. These are only a few examples of persons who tapped into morality and spirituality in the midst of adversity.

So whatever happen in life, whatever problem you're occurring, remember to always stay strong. Never let problem to take control of you're life but let you life take control of the problems. Face your UPs and DOWNs with courage and strength. Don't let anyone bring you down..... and one more thing, don't see yourself as a victim but see yourself as a soldier whose survived the battle of everyday life.

"There's a reason behind everything that will happen or has happened. The only thing we could do is to stay strong. To never lose hope and to have a little faith." -unknown source

Demi Lovato is one of my inspiration is staying strong. This song is dedicated to all of you guys to stay strong no matter what happen. This is "Skyscraper" by Demi Lovato

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